Partlist 4 level slicerThe components for the 4 level data slicer are quite common. You should have no problem to get them from your component shop or order them online. All resistors are 0.25 Watt. C1 and C2 are 50 V minimum, C3 to C8 16 V minimum. C1 100n
C2 4n7
C3 2u2 miniature
C4 2u2 miniature
C5 47u miniature
C6 47u miniature
C7 10u miniature
C8 10u miniature
D1 1N4001
D2 BAT42/BAT43
D3 BAT42/BAT43
IC1 TL074
IC2 LM339N
IC3 78L08
IC4 ICL7660
P1 47k potmeter
R1 470k
R2 4k7
R3 4k7
R4 15k
R5 15k
R6 100
R7 100
R8 22k
R9 47k
R10 47k
R11 22k
R12 2k7
R13 2k7
R14 2k7
X1 SUB-D F 9 pins
X2 3.5 mm PCB
IC socket 14 pins
IC socket 14 pins
IC socket 8 pins
![]() Component placement. The red marked traces are on the component side. They have to be replaced
by wire bridges if you produce your own single sided board
![]() The finished interface