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Standard Horizon Explorer II

Standard Horizon Explorer II

Standard Horizon's marine VHF Explorer II can be modified easily for the reception of AIS by adding a discriminator output.

Standard Horizon Explorer II

The receiver IC can be found on the main circuit board, below the smaller circuit board. The two circuit boards can be separated by removing the plastic spacers. These are clicked to the circuit board.

The unfiltered audio on the TK10420 can be found on pin 9.

TK10420 location
Discriminator output
Pin 9 of the 10420 contains the baseband audio
The components soldered to pin 9

Follow the next steps to make the discriminator output:

  • Connect a 10 k resistor to pin 9 of the TK10420
  • Solder the positive lead of an 10 uF, 25 V electrolytic capacitor to the resistor's other lead
  • Connect a piece of insulated wire to the negative lead of the capacitor
  • Mount a 3.5 mm mono chassis socket in the back of the device
  • Connect the other end of the wire with the chassis socket
Because the VHFs' metal backplane is grounded, a separate ground connection to the chassis socket is not necessary.
Chassis socket in the back of the VHF
Chassis socket in the back of the VHF
A suitable location for the chassis socket

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