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Messages - dudies69

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As per usual Rene you have done another fantastic job!


PDW Support / Re: Ongoing Issue with PDW
« on: 16 Mar 2015, 22:06:05 »
You can setup windows to do an automatic scheduled restart but you must make sure you have windows setup to automatically restart PDW as well.

PDW Support / Re: Yellow Triangle
« on: 16 Mar 2015, 22:03:47 »
In versions 3.11 and 3.12 if you are using Mobitex this indicator as well as the pecentage of decoding number is of little use  and  will give false readings when it is decoding correctly. It works fine when decoding pager signals though.

I have had other strange issues where PDW wont open  and the windows execution wheel just continues to spin. It usually fixed by deleting as many of the original files as possible and starting from scratch again. It appears that from time to time the PDW files become corrupted.

My guess is either the EXE file or one of the other files is corrupted. Copy your filter file to another directory and delete all other files in your PDW directory. Download a new version of PDW and copy your filter file into that directory. If it doesnt work after this I would guess you have a windows problem.

Yep Rene is correct 16V tantalum should be fine and it is small enough to hide away inside the shell of whatever connector you decide to use (I use a 3.5mm female plug). You should find the JT100 to be a very nice radio to use. I have several of them and they are an extremely sensitive radio making decoding of weak signals a dream. Good Luck!

    I have mounted many of the RS232 Interfaces using cheap Jiffy Boxes from Jaycar (link below). I actually solder separate panel RS232, 3.5mm and 2.1mm audio plugs onto the board with short cable runs. I cut out a slot for the RS232 plug on the box and drill holes for the audio and power plugs. I like these boxes as they are the exact size for the PCB board and that means they don’t move around much. Also being transparent means I can easily see if the LED is flashing as it is suppose to. I find they work really well. Just my two cents worth.

PDW Support / Re: Mail not working on PDW
« on: 03 Dec 2013, 23:49:49 »
There could be a couple of reasons for this:

1.  Yahoo have blocked your sending emails as you have exceeded their limit, but this would normally be reset after a time period. I tried Yahoo a long time ago and found it didnt work well with PDW. Try using GMail I have had a lot of success with GMail but they too block emails after a certain amount, form memory based on the number recieved per hour.

2.  You may have been blacklisted. Be very careful where you send your emails with PDW. If you send emails to dodgy email addresses that get bounced you could end up on some internet blacklists which will make sending very difficult.

3.  Your ISP might be blocking port 25 to limit the amount of email traffic through their servers.

4. Lastly confirm your SMTP details are correct. I know I have been guilty of inputing the details before

If you are still having trouble try uising a mobile broadband device to see if you can get your emails out, this may help to identify whether your problem is ISP related or not.


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