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Messages - Torquetube

Pages: [1] 2
PDW Development / Is anyone still developing PDW?
« on: 17 Feb 2020, 10:07:34 »
Is anyone still developing PDW with new features? It would be great to see this program to continue to evolve, unfortunately I have zero ability when it comes to software development.  :'(

PDW Support / Re: Issues following install of USB Interface
« on: 08 Feb 2020, 16:29:53 »
The issue is now solved, it was caused by multiple virtual comports still showing in use,  the available comport was up to 14, not sure if this was too high for PDW but I uninstalled all the comports not being used and problem solved. :)

PDW Support / Re: Issues following install of USB Interface
« on: 15 Dec 2019, 07:12:23 »
Here is a screen shot of the error, any ideas?

PDW Support / Issues following install of USB Interface
« on: 09 Dec 2019, 16:54:22 »
Hi all,

Has anyone else had any problems with PDW V3.2b01 after they used one of the USB interfaces? PDW 3.12 is works absolutely fine so might be a bug in V3.2? I’m guessing it’s something to do with the comport part of the software. I’ve had exactly the same issue on both my laptops, one running Windows 7 and the other on XP.

Thanks Urik,

I’ve managed to get it working perfectly, great App  :)

Hey Urik

I love the sound of this, how are you sending the messages to Pushover?

Discriminator Outputs / Re: Motorola GM radio
« on: 07 Oct 2019, 06:07:58 »
Hi all,

Just an update in case anyone stumbles across this post, I can confirm that a Motorola GM340 works perfectly with an RS232 interface. The pins to use on the rear connector are pin 7 (gnd) and pin 11 (discriminator). Just a note that pin 11 needs to be setup using the CPS to ensure it’s a discriminator output and not filtered.

Hope this helps someone.

Discriminator Outputs / Motorola GM radio
« on: 21 Apr 2019, 15:46:57 »
Hi all,

Has anyone used a Motorola GM radio such as a GN340 to decode Pocsag? There is a discriminator output to pin 11.

According to the spec: The nominal output level for Discriminator Audio is 330m Vrms at 60% deviation. However I haven’t had much luck with it working.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

PDW Support / Re: POCSAG Simulator
« on: 11 Jan 2018, 07:47:12 »
I have used WinPE-Sc with 100% success in the past, I had an old PC running Windows XP and I used a Motorola GM300 radio as the transmitter and it worked perfectly, the keying for the radio was done via the printer port. I didn’t have as much success using a newer laptop because of the newer sound card.

PDW Support / Raspberry Pi?
« on: 11 Jan 2018, 07:42:29 »
Hi all, has anyone managed to run PDW on a Raspberry Pi or equivalent computer? I’d love to have a small standalone setup running 24hrs a day with very low power consumption.

Is PDW decoding the messages correctly? The only reason I ask is because I am also using an RS232 interface with the usb adaptor and although mine shows around 90% in the top right hand corner it is decoding every message almost perfectly. I am using an Alinco X11 which has a Discrim option built in and I have never had such good decoding.

Also, what is your signal quality like?

Data Slicers and Interfaces / RS232 interface enclosure help
« on: 05 Oct 2013, 17:39:08 »

Has anybody mounted their RS232 interface into an abs enclosure? I'm just looking at different ideas as to how to mount te pcb into a case. Any ideas?

I'm also pleased to say that I have got my RS232 interface working nicely now, I didn't realise that my Alinco DJ-X11 scanner already had a discriminator feature built in so I have made a lead and just tried it and it's working. I too would highly recommend the interface. I just need to find a nice case to put it in now.

Have you received your new interfaces yet Steve? I'm hoping to test out my Motorola Pmr radio later to see if it will work for Pocsag decoding.

I've been testing using the earphone socket of my scanner instead of a dedicated discriminator tap so the audio probably isn't the best of quality. I am going to hook up my interface to my Motorola GM radio that has a Discriminator output on the rear plug and see what happens. I'll keep you posted. My new laptop just will not decode pocsag via the soundcard, I've spent hours tinkering with the audio levels and it just won't do it, my sold laptop worked faultlessly at decoding.

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