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Topics - mitchbaker3

Pages: [1]
PDW Support / PDW Command File error
« on: 08 Dec 2020, 01:10:11 »
Hi All,

This is a very poor system at present, so I am open to new suggestions! I currently have a .bat file triggered by PDW that runs a shortcut (admin permissions) to another batch file. This then runs a .vbs script that opens a web page on a second monitor in full screen mode, waits 15 mins and then goes back to another web page.

When I double click the .bat file that PDW activates, everything runs without a hitch. When PDW activates the command file I get an error in the .vbs script. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you

PDW Development / Custom Turnout System
« on: 17 Nov 2015, 22:12:52 »
Hi Guys,

I am trying to code a Windows Batch File that will set off an alarm and read the filtered PDW message to me via a TTS program. Any help would be much appreciated.


New Members / Hello
« on: 17 Nov 2015, 22:07:37 »
Hello, My name is Mitch. I am from Victoria, Australia.

Pages: [1]