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Topics - herman2709

Pages: [1]
PDW Development / PDW-input through TCP
« on: 27 Jul 2017, 13:29:03 »
Hi all!

I would like to receive the POCSAG/FLEX-signals on my RTL-SDR that runs on my Raspberry Pi 3B. I would like to stream the data through TCP. Then I would like to be able to use the PDW Windows version on my laptop as a client, using the RPi output as it's source. However therefor PDW should have the ability to recieve input not only through serial port or soundcard (or virtual cable) but also through TCP.

Are there any plans in that direction? Anyone working on that yet?

Best regards,


New Members / Radio enthousiast
« on: 27 Jul 2017, 13:08:12 »
Hi there! My name is Herman and I live in Wageningen in The Netherlands. I have one RTL-SDR running PDW (piped through virtual cable into PDW) and one RTL-SDR running PiAware for ADS-B .
Looking forward to cooperate with others in develloping new versions.
Bets regards,

Pages: [1]