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PDW Development / PDW Filter Command File SQL Database
« on: 25 Aug 2019, 04:03:44 »
HI i'm look for a way to send all my filter messages to my SQL Database on a remote server.

I know i can do this buy the command file. i have tried do a bat file to just out put the Date Time Filter Label and Message with out much success.

If anyone could help me this would be really good.

hey dlettani where did you get the symbols form ? for the pushover ??

PDW Support / PDW to SQL DB
« on: 22 Aug 2019, 02:25:41 »
Just seeing if someone can help me
i want to send Date Time Filter Label Name Message to a SQL DB i have on a server

how can i do this with command file please.

Thank you


Hi guys i look for a PDW tool that allows you to send your filter pager message to pushover can any one help me thank you.

PDW Support / Mas in vic
« on: 08 Sep 2018, 08:28:26 »
Hey I'm looking for anyone that's in Melbourne that has a filter file with mas capcodes please mas is Metropolitan ambulance service thank you

PDW Support / Re: RS232 PCI card help
« on: 28 Feb 2018, 08:31:51 »
That's nice. but i have use a Serial PCI card before with 2 ports and it worked. I forgotten the brand and model. I am using a modify ODA Decoder and i have out put the raw data on a DB9 RS232.
So i need to use the slicer. If anyone knows or is using a Serial PCI card and is working can you please tell me what brand name and model thank you.

PDW Support / RS232 PCI card help
« on: 26 Feb 2018, 05:25:22 »
Hi guys

I got a Unitek Y-7503 2 Port Serial PCI card.
I install the Windows XP Pro 32 Bit driver and it installed fine.
But when i went to do the slicer driver it gave me an error.
Does anyone know how i can get this going.
Or could anyone tell me which PCI serial like Make a model to get
please thank you 

PDW Support / Re: PDW 2.16
« on: 02 Feb 2014, 04:52:58 »
Thank you Rene

PDW Support / PDW 2.16
« on: 01 Feb 2014, 09:28:00 »
Hi can someone please upload a full copy of PDWv2.16 and post the link for me thank you.  :)


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