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Pages: [1]
PDW Development / PDW Filter Command File SQL Database
« on: 25 Aug 2019, 04:03:44 »
HI i'm look for a way to send all my filter messages to my SQL Database on a remote server.

I know i can do this buy the command file. i have tried do a bat file to just out put the Date Time Filter Label and Message with out much success.

If anyone could help me this would be really good.

PDW Support / PDW to SQL DB
« on: 22 Aug 2019, 02:25:41 »
Just seeing if someone can help me
i want to send Date Time Filter Label Name Message to a SQL DB i have on a server

how can i do this with command file please.

Thank you


PDW Support / Mas in vic
« on: 08 Sep 2018, 08:28:26 »
Hey I'm looking for anyone that's in Melbourne that has a filter file with mas capcodes please mas is Metropolitan ambulance service thank you

PDW Support / RS232 PCI card help
« on: 26 Feb 2018, 05:25:22 »
Hi guys

I got a Unitek Y-7503 2 Port Serial PCI card.
I install the Windows XP Pro 32 Bit driver and it installed fine.
But when i went to do the slicer driver it gave me an error.
Does anyone know how i can get this going.
Or could anyone tell me which PCI serial like Make a model to get
please thank you 

PDW Support / PDW 2.16
« on: 01 Feb 2014, 09:28:00 »
Hi can someone please upload a full copy of PDWv2.16 and post the link for me thank you.  :)


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