« Last post by albln on 22 Oct 2023, 14:12:00 »
I had used PDW with success a couple of years ago. But now, I cannot get it to work, and would appreciate your help.
I have a SDR dongle ran by SDR Sharp. I get the output into the Virtual Cable and then I have PWD configured to use it as its input. I have tried all the settings (Discriminator 1, 2, 3, etc.) with no success. When there is a signal, the needed moves, but no more than 10%. I change the volume of the SDR sharp up to its maximum and the deflection does not increase.
I believe -if I recall correctly-, that when I had used it in the past with success, it was with Windows XP. Now I am using Windows 11.
Have any of you encountered this in the past, and do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,