Author Topic: Can I use the serial interface with my own software, without pdw ?  (Read 10443 times)


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Hi all - new to pdw here.
Since I can write my own Windows software to process serial data, can I use one of these serial interfaces without using pdw? In other words, can I just use my own software to open up a serial port on the machine (connected to the serial interface I've read about on your site) and monitor the incoming data directly, using the standard Tx/Rx signals? OR is the pdw software required?

IF the pdw software is required, whats the proper way to get the data from pdw to my software? Email might work, as I understand pdw supports that.  Any other methods?



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Have you looked through the documentation?

Also, as PDW is now open source, I'm sure you'd find something in the repository. Try
PDW is open source now. You can find the Github project repository here



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can I use one of these serial interfaces without using pdw? In other words, can I just use my own software to open up a serial port on the machine (connected to the serial interface I've read about on your site) and monitor the incoming data directly, using the standard Tx/Rx signals? OR is the pdw software required?

Sure. What you will see is the raw data, packed with start and stop bits. Please check  ? ´How does the interface work´.

Below, you can see a sample of the serial data. At about two-thirds, you see 55 55 55 55.., This is the preamble (0101010101010101...) of a POCSAG signal.
