PDW LogBrowserEasy browsing through PDW-logfilesFor some people it wasn't really difficult to search specific codes or messages in the PDW logfiles. But most people didn't really know how to. To make life a bit easier, Peter Hunt has written "LogBrowser" which does the searching for you! Place LogBrowser.exe in the PDW subfolder "LogFiles" and when started, you'll notice 2 search options: capcode and/or text. But first you'll need to define the search locations, which can be a single logfile (such as a separate filterfile), or a complete folder, in which LogBrowser will search chronologically for logfiles with the date format 060104.log or 06jan04.log. The search results will appear in the lower part of the window, and by clicking on the blue floppydisk they can be saved as a logfile for later review.
By enabling "FLEX Groupcalls" you will also get to see the complete groupcalls in which the code/text
has been transmitted.
After enabling "FLEX Groupcalls", an extra option will be available : "Show all hits".
It is not only possible to search for a capcode/text, but LogBrowser can also display the last x-lines of a logfile. This option is only available if the fields Capcode and Text are cleared. Beneath the searching locations, you'll see the options "Show" which allowes you to select the last 100, 1000 or 10000 lines, or the maximum amount that LogBrowser is able to display.
Other options
DownloadThe most recent version of LogBrowser can be downloaded here.SupportFor support, please refer to the Forum.History [click to expand]Version 2.0 (13 March 2010)SpeedSearching should be a bit faster now. When searching in a folder, you can also enter a start and end date which can also save some time. Search in resultsAfter searching, you will be able to search in the previous search results which allows you to refine your previous search. F5 - RefreshYou can refresh "Show last xx lines" by pressing F5. This might be usefull when searching within a local network. Version 1.1 (03 February 2007)Bugfixes
More search optionsTo search more specific, you can now search for more than one text. If you want to seek all messages which contain "fire" and "London", you can use "fire*London". As you can see, they have to be separated with a '*' You can enter as many texts as you want to, as long as you keep separating them with a '*' It is still possible to combine these texts with a capcode, so the search can be more specific. Also, you can search for messages which don't contain a certain text. In that case, the text needs to be preceded by an exclamation mark. If you want to see all messages which contain "fire", but don't contain "London", search for : "fire*!London" Above examples can also be used along with a capcode search, which will make it more selective. It can also be interesting to search for capcodes in which a certain text is not found. If you don't want to find messages containing "test", use : "!test". IMPORTANT: The order of these texts is very important. They need to be in the same order as they can be found in the message(s), otherwise LogBrowser is not able to find them. Version 1.0 (11 January 2007)